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September 2024
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Scientific production

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E.M. Romero, C. Amezcua Prieto, M. Morales, C. Ayán-Pérez, R. Mateos-Campos, R. Ortiz-Moncada, M. Delgado-Rodriguez and T. Fernández-Villa,  "Alcohol use and family-related factors among Spanish university students: the unHicos project", "BMC Public Health" , vol.22, 1573-1573, 2022
I. Salcedo Bellido, R. Barrios Rodríguez and M.D.P. Requena Mendez,  "Comparison of two online university examination modalities in Didactics of Sciences", "ReiDoCrea" , vol.11, 245-254, 2022
D. Molina-Soberanes, V.A. Martínez-Ruiz, D. Aguila -Gordo, L.M. Martín-Delosreyes, M. Rivera Izquierdo and P.I. Lardelli Claret,  "Cycling area can be a confounder and effect modifier of the association between helmet use and cyclists' risk of death after a crash ", "Scientific Reports" , vol.12, 3157-, 2022
J. Warnberg-, J. Lapetra-Peralta, A. Garcia-Rios, A. Bueno Cavanillas, M. Delgado-Rodriguez , E. Ros, M. Ruiz-Canela, J.V. Sorlí, R. De La Torre , J. Konieczna, A. Oncina-Canovas, L. Tojal-Sierra, J. Pérez-López, I. Abete, A. Sánchez-Villegas, R. Casas, A. Muñoz, J.M. Santos-Lozano, C. Bouzas Velasco, C. Razquin, R. Martínez-Lacruz, O. Catañer, A.M. Yañez, R. Valls-Enguix, M.C. Belló-Mora, J. Basterra-Gortari, J. Basora and J. Salas-Salvadó,  "Vitamin K dietary intake is associated with cognitive function in an older adult Mediterranean population", "Age and Ageing" , vol.51, afab246-afab246, 2022
S. Martín Peláez, N. Cano, J. Warnberg-, J. Lopez-Miranda, F.J. Tinahones-Madueño, J. Lapetra-Peralta, A. Bueno Cavanillas, J.A. Tur, V. Martín-Sánchez, X. Pintó , M. Delgado-Rodriguez , P. Matía-Martín, J. Vidal, C. Vazquez , R. Cueto-Galán, A. Colom, A. Garcia-Rios, J.M. Santos-Lozano and E. Pascual-Gómez,  "Contribution of cardio-vascular risk factors to depressive status in the PREDIMED-PLUS Trial. A cross-sectional and a 2-year longitudinal study", "PLoS One" , vol.17, e0265079-e0265079, 2022
M.D.R. Olmedo Requena "Meat Intake, Cooking Methods, Doneness Preferences and Risk of Gastric Adenocarcinoma in the MCC-Spain Study", "Nutrients" , vol.14, 20-20, 2022
M. Marhuenda-Muñoz, J. Lopez-Miranda, A. Bueno Cavanillas, V. Martín-Sánchez, X. Pintó , M. Delgado-Rodriguez , A. Garcia-Rios, J.M. Santos-Lozano, Z. Vázquez-Ruiz, A. Moreno-Rodriguez, G. Gómez-Melis and R.M. Lamuela-Raventós,  "Circulating carotenoids are associated with favorable lipid and fatty acid profiles in an older population at high cardiovascular risk", "Frontiers in Nutrition" , vol.9, 967967-967967, 2022
M.D.P. Requena Mendez, C. Perez-Diaz, V. Mustieles, F.M. Peinado, J. León, F.M. Pérez-Carrascosa, H. Frederiksen, I. Salcedo Bellido, R. Barrios Rodríguez and J.P. Arrebola-Moreno,  "Associations of circulating levels of phthalate metabolites with cytokines and acute phase reactants in a Spanish human cohort", "Environmental Research" , -, 2022

SICA last updated: 10/01/2024

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